
海洋主宰地球. This is not only a geographic fact—71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans—but also a psychological, societal and economic reality. 从 a psychological perspective, the ocean has a pull on our hearts and minds that is 令人费解,但却是真实的. 经济上,陆地和海洋形成了界限 meet (coastal zones) are critical to the financial health of the United States, with coastal counties supporting almost one-half of the nation’s GDP. 在全球范围内,海洋 are Earth's most valuable asset, contributing $70 trillion to the global GDP annually. It’s no surprise that 40% of the world’s population lives in coastal zones. 的明智的 stewardship of marine and coastal resources requires expanding our knowledge of the processes that influence the ecosystem services and goods that fuel our socioeconomic 需要. 

The 十大彩票网投平台 has a history of investment 海洋科学s education and research, supporting a faculty of renowned experts in a range of marine-related 学科. The 斯托克斯海洋与环境科学学院 within the College of Arts and Sciences is designed to address pressing environmental concerns of the 沿海地区. The school trains the next generation of marine and environmental scientists, conducts cutting-edge research, and extends the impact of this training 通过服务活动进行研究.



▼   多样性、公平性和包容性声明

The 斯托克斯海洋与环境科学学院 embraces diversity in its individual differences, including ethnicity, gender identity, race, physical or mental ability, nationality, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic 状态, and/or veteran 状态. These and other important attributes reflect the complexity of an increasingly diverse student body, local community, and national population in a global society.

The 斯托克斯海洋与环境科学学院 values the considerable benefits diversity brings as we contribute to the world beyond our geographical region by training 未来的科学家和与公民的联系. 通过从事教育和研究 activities with an awareness of the contexts and complexity of global issues, we enhance our productivity and meaningful engagement with our communities. 这反过来又有助于 to the development of an understanding, educated workforce and public that will be 响应社会的需要. 为此,多元化、公平和包容 is aligned with our mission of providing 学生, staff, and the public with a superior education in service to the 需要 of southern Alabama, the nation, and the world.

▼   研究生助教奖学金和奖学金

Ph.D. 和M.S. in 海洋 Sciences Opportunities at 南 and the Dauphin Island Sea 实验室

The 十大彩票网投平台 offers a limited number of graduate fellowships for 竞争激烈的博士生.D.S以及校外支持的毕业生 assistantship and university-based teaching assistantships for M.S. 和Ph值.D. 学生. All fellowships and assistantships offer competitive pay ($18,000 – $24,000), student 医疗保险和学费减免. 
